CD19 CAR T-Cell therapy in autoimmune disease - A case series with follow-up
N Engl J Med 2024;390(8):687–700 DOI 10.1056/NEJMoa2308917
In this case series by Müller, et al., eight patients who received a CD19 CAR T-cell infusion achieved Definition of Remission in SLE (DORIS) remission, Lupus Low Disease Activity State and a SLEDAI 2K score of 0 at 6 months post-infusion. Long-term follow-up through 24 months showed that SLE disease activity remained absent
in all eight patients.
Fifteen patients, including eight with SLE, received a CD19 CAR T-cell infusion and monitored for two years. Efficacy was assessed using DORIS remission criteria, ACR–EULAR major clinical response, and the score on the EUSTAR activity index.