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Showing 5 results for “long-term” published 2023.

January 2024

Burden of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus in Clinical Practice: Baseline Data from the SLE Prospective Observational Cohort Study (SPOCS) by Interferon Gene Signature

Lupus Sci Med. 2023; 10(2):e001032 DOI: 10.1136/lupus-2023-001032

This study from Arnaud et al described baseline characteristics of SLE patients grouped by disease activity and IFNGS category in the international SPOCS study. IFNGS-high patients were younger at SLE diagnosis, and a baseline SLEDAI-2K score ≥10 was associated with shorter disease duration, more frequent and more severe flares. IFNGS-low patients were more likely to exhibit musculoskeletal and CNS comorbidities than IFNGS-high patients. Continuation of the SPOCS study will allow investigation into how different baseline characteristics affect long-term outcomes in SLE patients.


December 2023

Kidney Outcomes and Preservation of Kidney Function with Obinutuzumab in Patients with Lupus Nephritis: A Post Hoc Analysis of the NOBILITY Trial

Arthritis Rheumatol. 2023 DOI 10.1002/art.42734

This post hoc analysis of the Phase 2 NOBILITY trial determined that obinutuzumab plus standard of care improved the likelihood of long-term preservation of kidney function and improved kidney function with less glucocorticoid use in patients with lupus nephritis.


August 2023
June 2023

Remission of Lupus Nephritis: The Trajectory of Histological Response in Successfully Treated Patients

Lupus Sci Med. 2023;10(1):e000932 doi: 10.1136/lupus-2023-000932

LN histological activity takes months to years to resolve, providing a rationale for the need of long-term, well-tolerated maintenance immunosuppression.


February 2023